Edward Lipinski (orientalist)

Edward Lipiński, (18 June 1930 in Lodz, Poland) is a Belgian scholar[1] specializing in Biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies.



His first major work, published in 1965, was a monumental monograph entitled La royauté de Yahwé dans la poésie et le culte de l’ancien Israël. In 1969, he was appointed professor at the Louvain University, where he taught i.a. the comparative grammar of Semitic languages and history of ancient Near Eastern religions and institutions. He was head of the Department of Oriental and Slavonic studies at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven[2] from 1978 to 1984. He directed the publication of the Dictionnaire de la civilisation phénicienne et punique (1992) and the Studia Phoenicia series (from 1983). He also published Semitic Languages. Outline of a Comparative Grammar (1997, 2001) and dealt extensively with Old Aramaic dialects and history, in particular in his Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics (1975, 1994, 2010) and in The Aramaeans: Their Ancient History, Culture, Religion (2000).[3] Referring to the latter work a reviewer noted that it "embodies the accumulated insights of one of the greatest Semitic scholars of our time” (Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 327, 2002, p. 60). Professor Edward Lipiński was awarded a doctorate honoris causa by the Lund University in 2003. Although he retired from the Leuven University in 1995, he continues teaching and doing research mainly in Aramaic and Phoenician studies.


The WorldCat database lists over a hundred publications by Edward Lipiński in his various fields of expertise.[4]

A complete bibliography was published by The Enigma Press (Kraków-Mogilany) in The Polish Journal of Biblical Research 9 (2010), pp. 13–66. Here is a short list of his major publications:


  1. ^ "Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek". http://d-nb.info/gnd/119418142. Retrieved 24 September 2010. "Belg. Altorientalist" 
  2. ^ Vermeulen, Urbain; Union européenne des arabisants et islamisants. Congress; van Reeth, J. M. F. (1998). Urbain Vermeulen, J. M. F. van Reeth. ed. Law, Christianity and modernism in Islamic society: proceedings of the eighteenth congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants held at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (3–9 September 1996). Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta. 86. Peeters Publishers. pp. xvi-xvii. ISBN 9789068319798. "Oriental Institute ... president ... his successor was Prof. Edward Lipinski, a brilliant semitist and historian of the ancient near East ... in the field of West-Semitic epigraphy ... prolific writer" 
  3. ^ Noegel, Scott B.. "Review of E. Lipínski, The Aramaeans: Their Ancient History, Culture, Religion". Journal of Hebrew Scriptures - Volume 4 (2002-2003). http://www.arts.ualberta.ca/JHS/reviews/review036.htm. Retrieved 24 September 2010. "established the broader linguistic, literary, and historical framework for the Aramaeans" 
  4. ^ "Lipiński, Edward". WorldCat. http://worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n85-102157. Retrieved 24 September 2010. "81 works in 118 publications in 10 languages and 2,043 library holdings" 
  5. ^ "Studia Paulo Naster oblata". WorldCat. http://www.worldcat.org/title/studia-paulo-naster-oblata/oclc/9971897. Retrieved 24 September 2010. 


Professor Lipiński’s curriculum vitae and Bibliography: The Polish Journal of Biblical Research, (The Enigma Press, Kraków-Mogilany), 9, 2010, pp..11-66.

External links